Monday, April 27, 2020

6th Grade SS Week of April 27 - May 1

Good afternoon, historians!!!!!

This week in SS you will read page 217.  Then answer the following questions.

What are the two geographical regions of SE Asia?
     1._______________ surrounded by water on three sides
     2._______________ or an island totally surrounded by water

SE Asia’s climate is warm and wet, so this crop grows well in SE Asia.
     ________________ is the staple of the SE Asian diet.

SE Asia developed its own culture but was greatly influenced by two countries.  They were
     ________________________and _____________________________.

The two main religions of SE Asia are _______________ and _____________________.

Which kingdom is pictured on the map on page 217?  ___________________

What major river flowed through this kingdom on the map on page 217? ___________________________

What two major bodies of water do you see on the map on page 217?
__________________________ and ________________________________

This is worth 11 points and due on Friday, May 1.

Your IXL this week is:  AA. Asia - Geography.  Complete  (AA. #1);   (AA.  #3);  and (AA. #5).

See you on Hangouts on Wednesday.

Love, Ms. O

6th Grade Religion Week of April 27 - May 1

Good morning, stewards of Christ!!!!

This week in Religion, Chapter 23: Love of Neighbor, we learn about the 7th, 8th, and 10th Commandments.  Our Lord wants us to be generous with others, especially asking us to follow these Commandments.  Jesus by His life on Earth, modeled for us how to be poor in spirit, so that we may be rich with Him in heaven.

Day 1:  To explore how generosity can show that we love others.  Read pages 305-307  Then answer this question...How did Henriette Delille live a generous life?  (Write in notebook).

Day 2:  To discover how the 7th Commandment teaches us about loving ourselves and others.  Read pages 308-309 then do Activity p, 309.  Define reparation and almsgiving.  (Write in notebook).

Day 3:  To discover how the 8th Commandment teaches us to speak and live the truth.  Read pages 310-311 then do Activity on page 311.

Day 4:  To discover how the 10th Commandment teaches us to treat one another justly.  Read 312-313.  Then do Activity p. 312.  Define stewardship.  (Write in notebook).

Day 5 :  Go to BeMy Disciple and the the assessment on Chapter 23.  Take a screenshot and send me the score.

Additional Activity for the Week:    Many parishes promote three (3) areas of stewardship.  Being a steward means that you give of your Time, Talent, and Treasure.  As a 6th grader how can you be a steward in your daily life?  Think of ways to give of your:

                  Stewardship of Time_______________________
                  Stewardship of Talent_______________________
                  Stewardship of Treasure ____________________

Write your answers in your notebook.

Remember to follow the Religion Schedule one day at a time.   In fact, one of your Activities this week is to schedule daily prayer time with God. (See p. 313...I Follow Jesus).

Continue to pray the rosary and offer prayers of petitions for your family and others.  I miss you and pray for you!

Love, Ms. O

Monday, April 20, 2020

7th grade Geography Week of April 20 - 24

Helllo, my favorite 7th grade class in the city of Bartlett!!!!!

I enjoyed our time on google Hangouts this morning.  You are doing amazing work and I am proud of your work ethic.  Staying on track, keeping an organized notebook, and tackling the challenging questions on IXL are all ways to help you form good study habits.   Do something rather than do nothing.... should be our motto!!!!!

Remember that Wednesday is Earth Day and we honor this day by going to the website.........  Every U.S. state is trying to become “greener”.  Read what each state is doing to make it a green environment.   

You are to pick three (3) to five (5) states who you think are doing an excellent job of helping their state create a “green environment” and why you think so.  Then pick one (1) or (2) states that you think could do a better job of cleaning up the environment.   What is your idea of how that state could become greener?  

If you haven’t completed all previous assignments, please get caught up.  If you need help, collaborate with your family, a classmate, or me, your teacher.  I am here if you need help.  Just email me and we can set up a time to talk or text.

Remember, you are the future of a “green collar” workforce.... You will be out in the working world in ten years or so.  So I’m counting on you to make the world a better and greener place!!!!

Love, Ms. O

Due date is Monday, April 27. 

6th grade SS Week of April 20 - 24

Afternoon scholars!!!!

It was so good to see all of you this’s the next best thing to being at school!!!!!

I am so impressed with the effort that you are putting forth during this pandemic.  Keep on track, stay organized and don’t let the assignments overwhelm you.  Do something rather than do nothing.  God is with us during this time.  Keep the faith and keep everyone in your prayers.  Prayer is powerful!!!!

This week in SS, you will look at the culture of Japan, read ( 214 - 215 ).  Then fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.  (Copy this paragraph in your notebook).

     Most Japanese families chose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as their job.  But _ _ _ _ _ _ _, caused people to move to large cities, choosing to become _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _.  Japan had few          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, so the people had to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ goods and materials.  Three (3) things that the city people had to recycle were _______________, _________________, and _________________.

Why do you think Japan had few resources readily available to them?  (Refer to the maps you drew).

Describe these styles of Japanese plays:
      * kyogen-
      * noh-
      * kabuki-

Which one of these styles is still popular today?

Challenge/Activity for the week:

     Draw or create your own Japanese play mask.   I cant wait to see your masks!!!!

Due date is April 27 for this week’s work.

Love, Ms. O

Sunday, April 19, 2020

6th grade Religion Week of April 20 - 24

Good morning, disciples of Christ!

This week we begin Chapter 22 : Commandments of Love

     Day 1 -  To explore how to put God first in our lives.  Read (293 - 295); do Activity (295)

     Day 2 -  To explore the 4th and 5th Commandments.  Read (296 -297); do Activity (297)

     Day 3 -  To discover what the 6th Commandment teaches about loving ourselves and others.  Read (298 - 299); do Activity (299)

     Day 4 - To learn about the 9th Commandment.  Read (300 - 301); do Activities on (300 and 301)

     Day 5 -  Go to take the online assessment for Chapter 22 and send me a screenshot of your test.

We will discuss Days 1 and 2 on Wednesday’s Hangout so be prepared for a discussion!!!

Keep praying the rosary!

Love, Ms. O

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

7th grade Geography Week of April 14 - 20.

Hello Green Collar Workers of the (TIR)!!!!!!!

As we discussed in class today, society has witnessed three Industrial Revolutions!!!!!

The First Industrial Revolution (FIR), that occurred in the late 18th Century, and it was powered by c_ _ _ and s _ _ _ _.   

The Second Industrial Revolution (SIR), that happened in the late 19th Century, utilized o _ _ and the invention of the t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 

The Third Industrial Revolution (TIR), beginning in the mid 20th Century, and it’s developing the use of r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   resources and artificial i _ _ e _ _i _ e _ _ e as we speak.  (Fill in the missing consonants).

How does this matter to you, the geography student?  I am glad you asked that question!!!!!! 

You recall the five (5) themes of geography, right?  Well, one theme is how humans interact with the environment, remember. 

And before we can look at where the future will take us, we must go back and look at history.  

So your assignment this week is to go to IXL - (Z.) 1. Renaissance origins and 2. Italian Renaissance: achievements in Literature and Art.  

Complete this assignment so that we can explore how an economy of machines will liberate you- as the new generation who will become artists, scientists, and engineers crafting a new social order.

Put your thinking caps will need brain power to look at how the future is here!!!!

Don’t forget, those of you who still have work to complete....get going or the world is going to pass right on by.

Collaborate with a classmate if you get stuck or you can always email me.

Love, Ms O

6th SS Week of April 14 - 20

6th Grade SS

Feudal Japan (pages 210 - 213).  Lesson 6

Read textbook pages listed above and define the following words:  Shinto, shogun, shogunate, daimyo, and samurai.  

Draw a map of the country of Japan.  You may use the map in your textbook.  Label all the islands, there are four (4).  Locate on your map these cities: Edo, Kyoto, and Osaka.  Label Mt. Fuji.    Finally, label the following bodies of water:  Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, and East China Sea. 

Draw a pyramid to show how Japanese society during this period was much like that of the European feudal society during the Middle Ages.  Hint, look back in your notes.

IXL-  Take the quiz on Medieval Japan (M.2)

Please stay focused and ask your classmates if you have questions.

Or you can always reach out to me!!!!!

Remember to keep all your work in your SS notebook.  Write a date at the top of the page to stay organized.

I love that you are prepared when I ask question when we meet on google Hangouts!

Love to all, Ms. O

6th grade Religion Week of April 14 - 20

Good afternoon Disciples of Christ!

I trust that everyone had a wonderful Easter break and hopefully you rejoiced in that Jesus has risen!  Or in Greek, Christos anesti!!!!

This week in Religion, we will be reviewing the first three (3) of the Ten (10) Commandments covered in Chapter 21 of your textbook.  Remember to look at the Activity on p. 287 and reflect on how you can be a steward of God when you hear people disrespecting God’s name.

Activity:  To create a scroll

Purpose:  To reinforce that the Holy Spirit helps you to honor and worship God in the first three Commandments.

Step One:  Choose one of the first three Commandments for your scroll and show how the Holy         Spirit helps us to honor or worship God in our daily life.

Step Two:  Create a proverb-like message that should evoke inspiration rather than just simply saying what to do.  ( Don’t just repeat the Commandment....use the power of words to INSPIRE others!)

Step Three:  Create your scroll!  Write the Commandment you choose at the top of your scroll.  Then write and/or draw how the Holy Spirit keeps you on the path that honors and worships God.

This is a challenging Activity.

Remember to try your best and take care in how your scroll looks.

Neatness counts!!!!!

You will share your scroll on Monday’s Hangout.

Due date then is Monday, April 20

Email or talk to your classmates for help.  And email me if you have questions.

Love, Ms. O

Monday, April 6, 2020

7th grade Geography Week of April 6-8

Good afternoon, scholars,

So good to see almost everyone this morning.  I look forward to our next meeting on Wednesday.

This week, continue to work in IXL Letter (R.) The Silk Road #1 and #2.  Try #3 for extra credit.

Begin challenging yourself on Seterra.  Take the country quiz on Asia.  Take the capital quiz on Asia. It may take you more than one attempt to master 85% or better.  Challenge yourself to do the best on the countries of Asia and their capital.

Remember, that yesterday, Palm Sunday, began Holy Week and our focus will be to celebrate the Triduum beginning Thursday - Easter Sunday.   Make time to celebrate Holy Week with your family.  Easter Break is to be celebrated Thursday through Easter Monday.  So you will have until next Tuesday to work on the assignments in Geography.

Due date is Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

And if you have questions, email me and I will try to respond within the day or at the latest the next day.

Happy Easter!

As my Mom would say in Greek, to my brothers and me... “Christos anesti!”  and we would respond “Alithos anesti!”   If you think you know what this means be sure to translate on Wednesday.

Stay well and I miss being in class with all of you!

Love, Ms. O

6th Religion Week of April 6-8

Hi disciples of Christ,

Yesterday, Palm Sunday began the beginning of Holy Week.  If we had been able to attend Mass, we would have begun the celebration of Mass with a procession carrying palm branches to recall the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem.  Please take the time to read a page a day and then do the activity found on the next page to celebrate Holy Week at your home.

Today, Monday read p. 355.  Reflect. Then do activity on p. 356.  (Palm Sunday)

Tomorrow, Tuesday read p. 357.   Reflect.  Then complete p. 358.  (Holy Thursday)

On Wednesday, read p. 359.  Reflect.  Then do activity p. 360.  (Good Friday)

On another day, read p. 361.  Reflect.  Answer My Faith Choice on p.361. (Easter)

On Sunday, pray with your family...Alleluia! Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia, Alleluia! Amen.

On Easter, my Mother would say the following to me and my brothers, in Greek...“Christos anesti”....which means  “Christ is risen!” Then we would respond.... “Alithos anesti!” which means... “Yes, He is truly risen!”  Try saying “Christ is risen” in Greek and teach your family to respond “Yes, He is truly risen!”

We can practice saying it in Greek on Wednesday, when we meet again.

Stay well and love, Ms. O

Happy Easter!

SS Week of April 6 - 8 New Information

Hi and good afternoon 6th grade scholars!!!!!

As promised when we met earlier this morning, your IXL assignment:

Go to Social Studies, click on 6th grade then go to Letter (M.) complete #1 The Mogul Empire and answer the questions.

What Do You Think?????
Question....How could Shah Jahan afford to build such an elaborate tomb for his beloved wife who had passed away?  What must have been booming?  Do you think the peasants agreed with the Shah building this magnificent 20-story monument?  Do you agree or disagree with the Shah’s decision to build the Taj Mahal?  Write your thoughts down in your notebook.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

6th grade Social Studies Week of April 6 - 8

Hello 6th graders!

It was so good to see many of you at last week’s Wednesday Hangout.  I am looking forward to meeting again Monday and Wednesday at your small group time.

Google Hangout Schedule for 6th grade (in case you forgot....)

     9:30 - 9:50.      6-L #9 - 15

     9:55 - 10:15     6-L #1 -  8

    10:30 - 10:45    6-O #1 - 8

    10:45 - 11:00.    6-O # 9 - 16

On Monday, we will talk about The Indian Empire: Lesson 5 in your SS textbook so read pages 206 - 209.  I ask that you define the following words: Mogul; shah; and Hamzanama.

Also, we will discuss the Taj Mahal....know why it was built and how many workers it took to complete it.  (hint, reread page 208).

Remember to bring your notebooks and a pen or pencil when we meet on google Hangouts.  Let’s  be prepared to cover the lesson so please be ready like you were in the classroom.

I’ll assign IXL on Monday when we meet, too.  Due date will be April 14, 2020 for these assignments.

Just a reminder, that we begin Holy Week on Thursday, April 9 - 13, 2020.  WE will NOT meet on Monday, April 13, 2020.

See you Monday!!!!!    Ms. O

Summer Blog 2020 for 6th, 7th and 8th graders SS and Geography

My dearest Middle School Students, Summer is here and you should be enjoying your vacation time.......but, there’s always opportunities to l...